As you know our group project is about interior and exterior designing.
In my page I will show the aspects and elements of classic and modern interior designing. In other words In my two images you will find two things: 1. A basic comparison about modern and classic interior designing 2. A timeline of furniture used in interior designing.
Pictures and References:
In the first picture I have used 6 different pictures to create a picture. in other words it consists of 6 picture.
below I will bring each picture with references.
REF: http://nexus404.com/Blog/2008/06/24/grace-digital-itc-ir1000b-wireless-pandora-enabled%E2%80%99-internet-radio-itc-ir1000b-wi-fi-net-radio/
REF: old radio : http://www.google.com.my/imglanding?q=old+radio&hl=en&gbv=2&tbm=isch&tbnid=rFH-BrFZpAhGBM:&imgrefurl=http://www.stevepratt.com/index.php/2009/05/01/rules-rules-media-blog-series-future-media/&imgurl=http://www.stevepratt.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/old_radio.jpg&w=800&h=533&ei=2U_NTY28EoeiuQO-tsGTCg&zoom=1&iact=hc&page=1&tbnh=154&tbnw=221&start=0&ndsp=19&ved=1t:429,r:8,s:0&biw=1366&bih=649
REF: classic table :http://www.3dexport.com/3dmodel-console-table-traditional-style-34176.htm#/items/2011/03/18/52482/34176/classic_table_sh03.jpg
REF: modern table: http://www.flickr.com/photos/39036210@N07/5390462253/sizes/l/in/photostream/
REF: classic wallpaper: http://www.realwallpapers.eu/data/media/18/Old_wall_pattern_1920x1200.jpg
REF: modern wallpaper: http://www.housetohome.co.uk/imageBank/cache/w/Wilkinson_wallpaper.jpg_e_9c53654d7f7c9c72667efde1daba6b35.jpg
What I have done:
The first thing that I did, was creating a new 800 X 600 page. After that I imported both classic and modern wallpapers. Classic wall paper was OK but modern wallpaper was smaller than half of the page so I selected one part of it and used copy paste to create new samples. After I put together all the layers of new wallpaper, I select all of them and merged them together. Now I have 2 wallpapers beside each other.
After that I imported each table, cut them half, cut and transformed them to my desired size. For both tables I have done some editing about the curves, colors, hue – saturation, vibrancy. In addition for the classic table I used smart blur to have more harmony with other parts. All together I have changed the color of two tables to become more smooth and outstanding
The next step was about importing 2 radios. For the classic radio everything was OK, just import, cut and resize, but about the internet radio I had problems! The first thing that I did was to eliminate the antenna, because it did not have the harmony and balance with old one. After that I cut the radio and tried to fit it with classic one. I deleted the Brand name of the radio. But when I transformed the modern radio, the VOLUME button of the radio became OVAL! So, I selected the space around VOLUME, and transformed it to become like a circle, when I did this a new gap created in the above space of the volume, so I used PTACH tool to fill up this gap, after that I merged the VOLUME layer and MODERN RADIO layer together. One another thing that I added to the radio was a new display because the previous one did not have text in its display. So I added a new display to it.
I put together all the 6 elements of my design like a puzzle. I wanted to show the left part which is classic more realistic so I did something to achieve it. I wanted the left side of my design be like old pictures ( sepia). The first thing that I edited was my classic wallpaper after that radio and table.
To have a color like sepia I used TINT option, which allows you to change the whole color of an image. The TINT option in Photoshop: Image > Adjustments > Black & White
If you open the black & white option your photo automatically will become grayscale. If you tick TINT option you can have attractive styles like sepia. I repeated this step 3 times, as you can see below.
After previous steps my design is finished.
Radio, TV and other media like them, are one of the most important things that every designing company uses them to have a better designing. Most of pictures of living room in magazine or advertisements have TVs or Radios. They show technology and categorize in luxury things. I chose radio because not only it is one of the oldest media but also nowadays it has so many developments. I chose an internet radio which connects to radio stations via internet. The combination of these 2 radios shows how things are changed during time, from wallpaper to table and radio.
In this image I tried to follow principles of designing like, unity, balance, contrast…
After I designed this image, I asked 4 of my friends to give their ideas about the image. All of them had the same answer. All of them with a glance to the design told me that you wanted to have a comparison of two different generation in designing. I tried to have unity in my design, actually I used 2 different generation of designing ( classic and modern) but half and half! This gives the idea of unity, in other words we have one wallpaper, one radio and one table. The other thing that I want to mention is about contrast, with just a glance anyone can understand the difference between 2 designs. By getting use of sepia color classic designing is more outstanding. Mayble you think there is a contradiction between unity and contrast in my design but when you think more, unity and contrast are gathered together in the design. Also I used wallpapers to have Rhythm. In addition the image shows a movement from past to now.
Design II:
Pictures & References:
Ref: http://jenfitchstyle.files.wordpress.com/2010/08/mymaine1.jpg
Design II:
Pictures & References:
Ref: http://jenfitchstyle.files.wordpress.com/2010/08/mymaine1.jpg
ref: http://us.123rf.com/168nwm/mandj98/mandj980803/mandj98080300034/2684335-traditional-style-accent-chair-in-gold-fabric.jpg
Ref: http://www.housetohome.co.uk/imageBank/b/bed53.jpg
Ref: http://www.123rf.com/photo_2699021_antique-hand-painted-sofa-table-console-cabinet.html
Ref: http://modculture.typepad.com/photos/uncategorized/2008/08/17/odeon.jpg
Ref: http://elitechoice.org/2009/07/05/retro-scoop-tv-table-brings-back-the-rebellious-nature-in-you/
Ref: http://www.housetohome.co.uk/imageBank/b/black-table-lamp.jpg
Ref: http://www.housetohome.co.uk/imageBank/b/bedroom-wardrobe1.jpg
Ref: http://www.housetohome.co.uk/imageBank/a/armchair-John-Lewis.jpg
Ref: http://www.housetohome.co.uk/products/type/lighting/Cometa_floor_lamp_30742.html?subslug=
Ref: http://purecontemporary.blogs.com/.a/6a00d834515c5b69e201127905670928a4-pi
Ref: http://www.roomu.net/home-decoration/gracious-curve-sample-series-onda-sofa-and-chair-zanotta.html
What I have done:
For this images the first thing that I have done was creating a new 800 X 600 pixel page. I chose a dark green background for it. Secondly I chose my intended paint brush with appropriate size to create the TIMELENE SHAPE, I chose yellow color to be outstanding and has contrast with dark green.
After that I created a new layer and by getting use of PEN tool I drew my intended shape, when the path design finished I used STROKE PATH and selected PAINT BRUSH. After that base on my previous settings of PAINT BRUSH type, my path was painted.
After completing the path of timeline I imported 12 images of different furniture. Base on their age I have had some adjustments for example for the oldest item I changed its color a little darker. I used shadow highlights – hue saturation – color balance and vibrance for each item to look better. Beside all I resize and rotate them base on their place on the path.
I chose different font types base on items. For classic items I used classic fonts and for new and modern ones I used newer and modern fonts. To become more outstanding I stroke the years with dark grey. I did this from blending options>stroke part. I did this for every year in other words for 12 different year.
After all I finished the image by adding a text which is a slogan; “90 years with you”. Also I added shadow to it.
Different types of furniture are the elements of interior designing. In this image I put together 12 different furniture from 90 years ago to 2010 base on their design time. I wanted to show the development of each furniture, that is why I chose different types. Each year shows a product that was outstanding in its time! The design has stream, because it shows the movement and development during years. In other words the design tells a ninety year story!
In my point of view the design has unity and elements are put together in a proper and relevant way. Furthermore it has movement, a movement from past to now. From another point of view u can see the contrast. In my image the time line which is the most important part in design is colored in yellow. Yellow has a good with the background (white space) which is dark green.
It was a good experience for me to learn all these things.
Hopefully they are good for others too…